NOVVICKI.PL website is a multimedia timeline of my work history and interactive CV. It’s also a platform to share my professional opinions, ideas, or side projects. I am an Internet geek, in WWW business since Primary School. Thus it would be inappropriate not to have a personal website like this. I created this site by myself based on the WordPress engine. It serves as my sandbox where I experiment with graphic design, UX, SEO, website security, and other Internet Technologies.
I’m an IT Specialist and Technical Educator with 15 years of experience. I started as a Freelance Web Application Developer. Then Technical Project Manager and Technical Enablement Architect. I’m passionate about how Information Technologies impact our daily life. I look forward to how IT can automate and streamline our lives. What do I do after work? I go off-grid: camping, hiking, sailing, or simply forest bathing. I am also a Capoeirista.
IT Coordinator | Plan and oversee Poland-wide Lexmark service. SLA control, workflow implementation, Engineer support.
Project Manager | Plan and oversee Laboratory Information Management System deployment. Coordinate people and processes to deliver on time, within budget and with the desired outcomes. Liaison between the project team and senior management.
Sr. Technical Course Developer | Designs, develops, documents, and maintains a variety of technical courseware assets—including design specifications, lab environments, lab data, documentation, slides, scripts, instructor notes, and related change logs and bug-tracking records.
#observability #k8s #cloud
For a very long time
Technical Enablement Architect | Design, develop, and deploy technical learning solutions for Akamai customers and prospects, which included utilizing cloud infrastructure for lab environment as part of the online training setup.
Design, develop, and delivery of hands-on labs (technical workshops).
#cdn #waf #webperformance #dns
The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life | Jessica Hische
It only serves to show what sort of person a man must be who can’t even get testimonials. No, no; if a man brings references, it proves nothing; but if he can’t, it proves a great deal | Joseph Pulitzer
I had the pleasure to work with Tomasz Nowicki during the implementation of the STARLIMS system, in CBJ sp. z o.o. As a new Project Manager, he ordered the implementation process. In materially contributed to the removal of software bugs. His IT competence accelerated the work and in 2014 enabled the production launch of the LIMS system in the Company.
WALdemar pietras
Bardzo cenię Tomka za jego komunikatywność i innowacyjność. Skutecznie budował bardzo dobre relacje z klientami uwzględniając merytoryczne podejścia do każdego tematu. Jednocześnie wykazywał dużą pro-aktywność w usprawnianiu procedur oraz wprowadzaniu nowych rozwiązań ułatwiających i przyspieszających codzienną pracę.
tomisław szymkowiak
Tomasz jest doświadczonym project managerem, posiada odpowiednie umiejętności interpersonalne. Wyróżnia go wysoka kultura osobista. Umiejetności zarządzania projektami są w jego przypadku poparte doświadczeniem w programowaniu oraz znajomością baz danych systemów do zarządzania informacją laboratoryjną.
sebastian kwaśny
Tomasz is one of the people i can rely on. Always very good and efficient at work and very professional. He has a very interesting personality and he is very good colleague too! Always ready to help. Thanks to Tomasz my work was easier and I know that every-time I need to engage him it will takes only a seconds.